
     Welcome to our website!  We are Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church of Helena, AL.  We are a small church with a BIG heart!  We hope, in looking through our website, you get a taste of our heart’s desire to become all that God wants us to be-  a church who boldly professes our belief in and lifts up the powerful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  You will find the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church family to be welcoming, friendly, loving and caring to each other and to those in the surrounding communities that we serve.   We extend a heartfelt welcome for you to come worship with us.  For those who may be relocating to the local area or if you are in search of a church home, we would love to have you be our guest for Sunday School and worship service.  If the Holy Spirit so moves you, come on in and become a part of our church family. 

     Yours in Christ -   Pastor Edwin Dinkins


  • Happy Birthday to Our Members Celebrating December Birthdays!

    To those members who recently celebrated birthdays and those with upcoming birthdays during the holiday season, Happy Blessed Birthday!

  • Celebrating 11 Years - Sanctuary Remodel & Dedication

    Eleven years ago, Mt. Pleasant embarked on one of its largest projects in history under Pastor Dinkins' leadership:  The complete remodel of the church's sanctuary.  Church members came together, via several committees, to ensure that the remodel, with the help of several local vendors, was successful.  A dedication service was held in the new sanctuary to give all glory, honor and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

    God's goodness continues to rain upon Mt. Pleasant as we celebrate not only our eleven (11) year new sanctuary milestone, but in looking forward to many more years as we serve and bless both members and our community. 

    The sanctuary transformation is chronicled in photos that can be found here.  

  • New Sermons Posted!

    New November sermons are now posted! Click "Sermons" to listen and be blessed by a very powerful Word of God!

  • Post - Election We Should Not Forget that God is Sovereign!

    Regardless of how each of us voted, we take peace in knowing that God is in control of all things.  Be encouraged: God's will be done! (Photo credit - harvest.org)